Friday, February 20, 2015

Multimedia Fest 2015 Poster Questions

Why is it good?
 The information flows better and doesn't look as awkward on the poster as it did on the last one. And the pictures are being shown in a more creative way.

Why is it better than the last one? 
We found better ways to organize the information and the pictures we put in so that it would flow better and be more aesthetically pleasing whereas the last one was more of a trial and error and we were trying to just get everything in while not looking plain.

What did you do to create it? 
We used a gradient to do the background color and decided to use more cohesive fonts for the information. We tested out positioning the text in different ways like sideways and slantways to see which would work better with our new poster design. We used the free transform tool and a feather radius to blur the edges of the photos so they would blend in better with the background as opposed to looking like we just put them on the poster without any attention to detail. Then we also used the pinch effect to make the pictures look like they were coming out of the computer we put on this poster to add to the theme of the Multimedia Festival. 

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